Hierarchical forecasting of hospital admissions- Classical forecast
The aim of this series of blog is do predict monthly admissions to Singapore public acute adult hospitals. The dataset starts from Jan 2016 and ends in Feb 2021. EDA for the dataset was explored in past posts ( part 1 ; part 2 ).
There are several approaches to forecast the admissions including
Summing up all the individual hospital admissions and forecasting the admissions at a national level
Forecasting at each hierarchical level. Every country has an organisation order to its public hospitals. In Singapore, there are 3 levels:
|– Cluster level (Clusters are a network of hospitals based on geographical regions. There are 3 health clusters in Singapore.)
|– Hospital level (There are 8 public acute adult hospitals.)
Hierarchical modelling can provide figures to decision makers at each level of the healthcare system. This field of forecasting has gained much attention thanks to the M5 competition and soon there will be a comprehensive publications of innovations in hierarchical time series..
# cleaned up dataset downloaded from my github. Clean up of OG dataset done in 1st post
raw<- read_csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/notast/hierarchical-forecasting/main/stat_sg_CLEAN.csv")
# convert to tsibble
df_tsib<- raw %>%
# monthly index- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/59538702/tsibble-how-do-you-get-around-implicit-gaps-when-there-are-none
mutate(Date= yearmonth(as.character(Date))) %>%
# if there are two index, need to use group_by and summarise to isolate a specific index
# https://www.mitchelloharawild.com/blog/feasts/
as_tsibble(key= c(Hospital, Cluster), index= Date)
# A hierarchical established with `aggregate_key`.
# LHS: parent/RHS: child
(df_hts<- df_tsib %>% aggregate_key(Cluster/Hospital, Admission= sum(Admission, na.rm = T))%>%
# cant use between
mutate(Covid= case_when(
Date==yearmonth("2020-01-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-02-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-03-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-04-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-05-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-06-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-07-01")~ "Yes",
T ~ "No")))
## # A tsibble: 744 x 5 [1M]
## # Key: Cluster, Hospital [12]
## Date Cluster Hospital Admission Covid
## <mth> <chr*> <chr*> <dbl> <chr>
## 1 2016 Jan <aggregated> <aggregated> 26555 No
## 2 2016 Feb <aggregated> <aggregated> 24898 No
## 3 2016 Mar <aggregated> <aggregated> 28002 No
## 4 2016 Apr <aggregated> <aggregated> 27488 No
## 5 2016 May <aggregated> <aggregated> 27280 No
## 6 2016 Jun <aggregated> <aggregated> 27724 No
## 7 2016 Jul <aggregated> <aggregated> 28349 No
## 8 2016 Aug <aggregated> <aggregated> 28640 No
## 9 2016 Sep <aggregated> <aggregated> 27309 No
## 10 2016 Oct <aggregated> <aggregated> 27790 No
## # ... with 734 more rows
Two broad approaches were used for this project:
- Classical approach which uses e.g. ETS and ARMIA.
- Machine learning approach.
No approach is superior and it likely boils down to experimentation. This post will focus on the classical approach which is supported by the fpp3
meta-package, which follows tidyverse
principles and is nicknamed the tidyverts
Traditionally, hierarchical forecasting using classical approach involved selecting a hierarchal level and forecast for that level before adding to higher levels or distributing it lower levels.. However, there are disadvantages to these techniques:
- For bottoms-up approach: The bottom-level can be noisy and more difficult to predict.
- For top-down approach: Traits of individual time series e.g. special events and different seasonal patterns are lost due to information aggregation and it produces less accurate forecasts at lower levels.
In reconciliation forecasting, all levels are individually forecasted as base forecasts and a regression model using ordinary linear squares (OLS) combines these predictions to give a set of optimal reconciled forecasts. fpp3
uses Minimum Trace (MINT) reconciliation technique which is an extension of the above technique that minimizes the variance of the reconciled forecasts.
MINT uses all information from all levels of the hierarchy. Some information may be completely hidden or not easily identifiable at other levels e.g. seasonal difference will be smoothed at the superordinate level due to aggregation.
The training set was from Jan 16 to Apr 20 (3 years, 4months) and the test set was from May 20 to Feb 21 (10 months) and the forecast future period would be Mar 21 to Dec 21 (10 months). The forecast horizon will be 10 months; in other words, to predict the admissions for the remaining of 2021.
Feature Engineering
Two external regressors were considered for some ARIMA models:
- Heightened periods of Covid-19 between Jan 21- Jul 21.
- Lag predictors of Covid peak periods. Though the peak Covid periods were over, individuals could have reframed from being unnecessarily admitted as they were afraid of the infectious nature associated with hospitals.
Base models included:
- ARIMA with Covid (peak period) as regressor
- ARIMA with Covid regressor with 1 month lag
- ARIMA with Covid regressor with 2 month lag
- ARIMA with Covid regressor with 3 month lag
Three hierarchical forecasting techniques were used:
- bottoms up
- reconciliation using ordinary least square
- reconciliation using minimum trace with sample covariance
fun_reconcile<- function(R, M, B, BU="bu", OLS="ols", MINT="mint"){
LHS= "Admission"
model_spec= as.formula(paste0(LHS, RHS, sep=""))
df_hts %>%
filter( Date < yearmonth("2020 May")) %>%
model(base = model_spec %>% M) %>%
bu = bottom_up(base), ols = min_trace(base, method = "ols"), mint = min_trace(base, method = "mint_cov")) %>%
rename({{B}} :=base) %>%
rename("{{B}}_{BU}":= bu) %>% rename("{{B}}_{OLS}" := ols) %>% rename("{{B}}_{MINT}" := mint)
m_ets<- fun_reconcile("~ error() + trend() + season()", ETS, ets)
m_arima<- fun_reconcile("~ pdq() + PDQ()", ARIMA, arima)
m_arima_covid<- fun_reconcile("~ Covid", ARIMA, arima_covid)
m_arima_covidL1<- fun_reconcile("~ Covid +lag(Covid)", ARIMA, arima_covidL1)
m_arima_covidL2<- fun_reconcile("~ Covid +lag(Covid,1)", ARIMA, arima_covidL2)
m_arima_covidL3<- fun_reconcile("~ Covid +lag(Covid,2)", ARIMA, arima_covidL3)
# save models
save(m_ets, m_arima, m_arima_covid, m_arima_covidL1, m_arima_covidL2, m_arima_covidL3, file = "3bClassic")
The best ARIMA model class was selected using AICc
. The best ARIMA model and ETS model were then evaluated against the test set using rmse
and mae
. AICc
can only be used with models in the same class as the calculation for AICc
for ARIMA and ETS are different
The best ARIMA model was one with an external regressor for Covid peak period, m_armia_covid
, i.e. ARIMA(Admission ~ Covid)
fun_reconcile_glance<- function(mab){
glance(mab) %>%
group_by(.model) %>% summarise(avg_aicc=mean(AICc), sdv_aicc=sd(AICc))
fun_reconcile_glance(m_arima_covidL3)) %>%
arrange(avg_aicc, sort=T)
## # A tibble: 20 x 3
## .model avg_aicc sdv_aicc
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 arima_covid 685. 81.0
## 2 arima_covid_bu 685. 81.0
## 3 arima_covid_mint 685. 81.0
## 4 arima_covid_ols 685. 81.0
## 5 arima_covidL3 705. 66.3
## 6 arima_covidL3_bu 705. 66.3
## 7 arima_covidL3_mint 705. 66.3
## 8 arima_covidL3_ols 705. 66.3
## 9 arima_covidL1 715. 67.9
## 10 arima_covidL1_bu 715. 67.9
## 11 arima_covidL1_mint 715. 67.9
## 12 arima_covidL1_ols 715. 67.9
## 13 arima_covidL2 715. 67.9
## 14 arima_covidL2_bu 715. 67.9
## 15 arima_covidL2_mint 715. 67.9
## 16 arima_covidL2_ols 715. 67.9
## 17 arima 720. 90.4
## 18 arima_bu 720. 90.4
## 19 arima_mint 720. 90.4
## 20 arima_ols 720. 90.4
- ARIMA was better than ETS.
- Reconciliation approaches (i.e.
) performed better as they likely captured information from all levels of the hierarchy. - MINT technique performed better than OLS .
### test period ###
# need to create manually, horizon in forecast doesnt work w external regressors
# https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67436733/how-to-reconcile-forecasts-with-hierarchical-structure-and-exogenous-regressors
test_set<- df_hts %>% filter( Date < yearmonth("2020 May")) %>% new_data(10)%>%
mutate(Covid= case_when(
Date==yearmonth("2020-05-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-06-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-07-01")~ "Yes",
T ~ "No"))
### function for accuracy ###
fun_acc<- function(Forecasted){
Forecasted %>% accuracy(df_hts, measures = list(rmse=RMSE, mae=MAE))}
### forecast on testing set ###
m_arima_covid_test<- m_arima_covid %>% forecast(test_set) %>% fun_acc()
## Warning in mapply(FUN = .f, ..., MoreArgs = MoreArgs, SIMPLIFY = SIMPLIFY):
## longer argument not a multiple of length of shorter
## Warning in fc[btm] <- NextMethod(): number of items to replace is not a multiple
## of replacement length
m_ets_test<- m_ets %>% forecast(test_set) %>% fun_acc()
## Warning in mapply(FUN = .f, ..., MoreArgs = MoreArgs, SIMPLIFY = SIMPLIFY):
## longer argument not a multiple of length of shorter
## Warning in mapply(FUN = .f, ..., MoreArgs = MoreArgs, SIMPLIFY = SIMPLIFY):
## number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
### function for average accuracy ###
fun_acc_avg<- function(ACC){
ACC %>% group_by(.model) %>% summarise(avg_rmse=mean(rmse), avg_mae=mean(mae))
### compare models against test ###
fun_acc_avg(m_ets_test)) %>%
arrange(avg_rmse, sort=T)
## # A tibble: 8 x 3
## .model avg_rmse avg_mae
## <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 arima_covid_mint 847. 745.
## 2 arima_covid_ols 1085. 937.
## 3 arima_covid 1117. 991.
## 4 arima_covid_bu 1142. 1043.
## 5 ets 1951. 1788.
## 6 ets_ols 2193. 2028.
## 7 ets_bu 2343. 2146.
## 8 ets_mint 3045. 2814.
Performance for each level
The above accuracy was for across all the time series. The performance for individual levels were reviewed and visualized.
Specific hierarchical level information is filtered out using is_aggregated
as an argument for filter
does not aggregate members at that specific level thus analysis for that level can be conducted.filter(is_aggregated(level))
aggregates values from that level and provides the aggregated information for the next level.
L_hospital<- m_arima_covid %>% select(arima_covid_mint) %>% forecast(test_set) %>%
L_cluster<-m_arima_covid %>% select(arima_covid_mint) %>% forecast(test_set) %>%
filter(is_aggregated(Hospital), !is_aggregated(Cluster))
L_national<-m_arima_covid %>% select(arima_covid_mint) %>% forecast(test_set) %>%
filter(is_aggregated(Cluster), is_aggregated(Hospital))
### Function accuracy for each level
fun_acc_lvl<- function(DF, L){
DF %>%
# get the accuracy for each member of the level
fun_acc() %>%
# take the average
fun_acc_avg() %>%
# add level id
mutate(Level=paste(L), .before=1)
While smaller rmse are favoured in general, care needs to be taken when appreciating the rmse for each level as the magnitude of admission differs for each hierarchical level, the superordinate levels have more admissions thus a larger rmse can be expected.
bind_rows(fun_acc_lvl(L_hospital, "Hospital"),
fun_acc_lvl(L_cluster, "Cluster"),
fun_acc_lvl(L_national, "National"))
## # A tibble: 3 x 4
## Level .model avg_rmse avg_mae
## <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 Hospital arima_covid_mint 700. 637.
## 2 Cluster arima_covid_mint 1123. 959.
## 3 National arima_covid_mint 1190. 971.
Hospital level
The model overfitted 4/8 hospitals (AH, CGH, KTPH, NTFGH); underfitted 1/8 hospital (TTSH), appropriately fitted for 3/8 hospitals (NUH, SGH, SKH).
L_hospital %>% autoplot(df_hts %>% filter(Date > yearmonth("2020-01-01"))) +
facet_wrap(vars(Hospital), scales = "free_y") + guides(x = guide_axis(angle = 40))
Cluster level
The model underfitted NHG, relatively fitted NUHS well, slightly overfitted SHS.
L_cluster%>% autoplot(df_hts %>% filter(Date > yearmonth("2020-01-01")))
National level
The model does generally well at the national level.
L_national %>% autoplot(df_hts %>% filter(Date > yearmonth("2020-01-01")))
The best classical approach was an ARIMA model with an external regressor for Covid without any lags ARIMA(Admission ~ Covid)
as the base and the forecast reconciled using minimum trace technique with sample covariance mint_cov
. This approach achieved an average RMSE of 847 on the testing set. In the next post, machine learning approaches would be used.
The following errors were encountered during scripting.
1. cant use between
in tsibble
df_tsib %>% aggregate_key(Cluster/Hospital, Admission= sum(Admission, na.rm = T))%>%
mutate(Covid= ifelse(between(Date, yearmonth("2020-01-01"),yearmonth("2020-05-01")),
"yes", "no")) %>%
tibble() %>% count(Covid)
## Warning: between() called on numeric vector with S3 class
## # A tibble: 1 x 2
## Covid n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 no 744
df_tsib %>% aggregate_key(Cluster/Hospital, Admission= sum(Admission, na.rm = T))%>%
# cant use between
mutate(Covid= case_when(
Date==yearmonth("2020-01-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-02-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-03-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-04-01")~ "Yes",
Date==yearmonth("2020-05-01")~ "Yes",
T ~ "No")) %>%
tibble() %>% count(Covid)
## # A tibble: 2 x 2
## Covid n
## <chr> <int>
## 1 No 684
## 2 Yes 60
2. horizon
argument in in forecast
doesn’t work with external regressors
m_arima_covid %>% forecast(h=1)
## Error: Problem with `mutate()` column `arima_covid`.
## i `arima_covid = (function (object, ...) ...`.
## x object 'Covid' not found
## Unable to compute required variables from provided `new_data`.
## Does your model require extra variables to produce forecasts?